Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Coming Soon

I'm sorry about things being all quiet on the western front.  Life suddenly took me by surprise in the end of March/beginning of April, and has kept me hopping ever since.  Much to my chagrin, this means that I have not had a chance to pick up any game (much less Mass Effect 2) for the past couple of months.  Fear not though, for Meriel will be returning at the end of this week.  I hope to have the next entry in her journal up by the end of Saturday, and a second up by the end of the following Tues.  I am also working on pulling together a post on the Let's Player veriax.  In addition to that, you will see that the "Currently Reading" sidebar section has been replaced, as of today, by a Goodreads widget. I have finally taken the plunge and signed up for the website.  Should it strike your fancy, you will be able to track what I am currently reading, and see past books that I have read, through this website. 

See you soon!

Update 5/28/12 - Yes I am well aware I actually did not post as promised.  When writing this earlier I some how managed to forget two important things.  1) I was scheduled to commence spring cleaning  that week and 2) even in a place as small as mine, spring cleaning takes a really long time since you are essentially turning the whole house inside out, sorting through it all, and then putting/giving/throwing it all away.  3) Surprise dogsitting/housesitting this week means I won't have access to my computer/diles/game.  Since the great Spring Clean 2012 still continues, and likely will through the end of the week,  the amended dates for Meriel's journal are Tuesday the 5th and Friday the 8th.  Sorry about the delay but my brain completely ceased to function it seems.

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