"This will be a disaster. But I can't live without it."
After almost a month away, I picked up Dragon Age 2 again last weekend and played a few more hours of the game. Afterwards, I went to twitter with my thoughts and ended up in rather extended conversation with my friend (and Let's Player) Joseph. The more pertinent comments we exchanged are here enclosed. Despite appearances, this is not an exercise in laziness. At the beginning of this series I expressed the desire to discuss my thoughts on DA2 in real time. You can't get much more "real time" than this, without LPing that is.
I have a more normal DA2 entry in the works. Be looking for it Monday of next week.
In news completely not related to Dragon Age 2 , those who follow me on twitter are by now well aware of the fact that GOG started selling Two Worlds 2: Epic Edition and that the OST is exceptionally beautiful. I have, no joke, been listening to the Two Worlds II and Two Worlds II: Pirates of the Flying Fortress OSTs almost constantly since GOG dropped the game last Thursday. The game is being sold for 50% off through this Thursday and it seriously wants to be on your GOG game shelf. Even if you don't care about the game itself, its OSTs are well worth the price of admission.
As for the game itself - well it's been added to my ever growing list of "to play titles." I've been anxiously waiting, ever since its release, for GOG to get the title so that I could finally play it. Unfortunately, it looks like it'll have to wait a wee bit longer.